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Ennovative Technologies is a software and services house in kolkata, India serving clients from all over the world. Our optimized execution methodology saves your valuable time and money. We always belive that customer satisfaction is key to our success
Our HR practices

Ennovative believes that enhancement of employee potential is the way to grow.

In this high-attrition industry, we have managed to retain the best of talent through a continuous process of training, retraining, counseling maintaining a high level of motivation.

  On the job training

The selected candidate is trained in the related job area to cope with the state-of-the-art technology and to perform the job effectively, in-depth knowledge is required.


Performance appraisal

Job targets is set for all employees at the end of a year (December) for the ensuing year (January to December). An interim review is also held in July on the set job targets for performance for the period January-June.

Any additional targets that may need to be set for the remaining 6 months, are also set during this meeting.

The annual appraisal is done in December. This appraisal consists of 2 parts - performance in the set job targets done by self and superiors and certain critical attributes done only by superiors (rater and reviewer).

Apart from the annual appraisal, performance incentives are also given at specified time intervals so that employees perform to potential at all times and there is no lax in performance at any point of time.


Training and development

This particular HR function starts off with identification of training needs as decided by the head of department. After evaluating the training needs an annual training calendar is drawn.

We offer both in-house and external training programmes. Post-training analysis is done to judge the effectiveness of the training imparted.

For the external programmes, employees are sent to specialised institutions for various professional or technical courses.


Career development process

The career development process aims to develop employees of all level into business leaders -- through a combination of cross-functional exposure, developmental assignments, and ongoing training and development interventions in India and overseas projects.

We believe the success of an organisation depends on the quality of its manpower asset. Building business leadership therefore, is a key dimension of the career development process.

We recruit from the open market. We believe getting people with new ideas and a variety of experiences contribute to enhancing the overall quality of organisation.


The kind of people we look for

We believe diversity is essential for building a wholesome work environment. But there are certain basic attributes we look for :

  •  Positive attitude
  •  Integrity
  •  Energy
  •  Ready to take new challenges
  •  Sincerity
  •  Creativity
  •  Belief in team work concept
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